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Cruelty and the Idiot in the Room
Jay Robert (J.B.) Pritzker currently serves as the 43rd governor of the State of Illinois. A businessman before assuming his current...
Paul Knowlton
Oct 20, 20234 min read

No. 1 Adventure of Adam Smith’s Impartial Spectator
The tree care company I hired to do a lot of work around my house was almost finished. I watched the climber tie off and make the final...
Paul Knowlton
Oct 6, 20235 min read

Understanding Adam Smith - Giving the Rich a Hand
This is the 5th of an eight-part series designed to explain several important aspects of Adam Smith’s writing, or at least correct...
Paul Knowlton
May 6, 20224 min read

Understanding Adam Smith - Empathy Before It Was Cool
This is the 4th of an eight-part series designed to explain several important aspects of Adam Smith’s writing, or at least correct...
Paul Knowlton
Apr 29, 20223 min read

Understanding Adam Smith - The Impartial Spectator
This is the 3rd of an eight-part series designed to explain several important aspects of Adam Smith’s writing, or at least correct...
Paul Knowlton
Apr 22, 20223 min read

Understanding Adam Smith - The Invisible Hand
This is the 2nd of an eight-part series designed to explain several important aspects of Adam Smith’s writing, or at least correct...
Paul Knowlton
Apr 15, 20224 min read
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